Fungarium is an ongoing project dedicated to the observation of Fungi and our building of relationship with this Queendom.

Over the last 6 years (or so), I have been collecting samples of Fungi (windfall and ‘left overs’ from Forays) to create a collection of Mushrooms to work with and talk through.

In addition to this, I have had the privilege to had assistance in my ‘getting to know’ of the Botanical Gardens in Dublin to visit their Fungarium on several occasions and letting me have exposure to the fast collection there.

This slow and ongoing research expresses itself in the form of many walks and photographing fungal friends so to speak, reading extensively on the subject, talking to others on all things fungal and creating as much emersion as possible in all its processes, visual expressions and new discoveries.

Most recently two talks at NCAD with Rosie O'Reilly ( on Materials and Circularity were an outcome of this.



